Monday, March 05, 2007

Indian Antiques... Is it a shame?

While randomly going through my daily dose of news, views and analysis at various sites I stumbled upon the fact that there is an exhibition of Indian antiques in progress in a museum in China for the last two months. My immediate reaction to the news was that of pride. Efforts were being made on a serious note to promote Indian culture to be more than that of naked sadhus, snake charmers and black magic. The entire exhibition is very well done with touch screen technology used to display information about the antiques.

But the sense of pride was mixed with a sense of shame as well. As the writer of the article at has aptly pointed out that Indians sadly lack the knowledge of their own heritage and have no value for these artifacts. The number of people who have the knowledge of the same are few and rare. They might as well be termed as 'endangered species'.... ;-P. In a few years non-Indians will know more about our heritage and culture than we ourselves. On a serious note though I too support the view that it is now mandatory to begin a self education drive and become more proud of the country that we belong to.

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